Last Updated 1st July 2022

What are alcohol inks?

The main characteristic that sets alcohol inks apart from other types of inks or paints is their ability to flow freely and dry quickly, creating stunning effects on non-porous surfaces. Unlike paints, the alcohol inks can be re-wet, allowing you to adjust your art as you go.

What surfaces can I use alcohol inks on?

Although there are no rules, alcohol inks are designed to be used on materials that don't absorb liquids, such as glass, metal, ceramic, synthetic paper (e.g., Yupo paper), resin, and more. The colours may not be accurately represented on porous material such as regular printer paper.

How do I use alcohol inks?

Using alcohol inks is a creative and exciting process that allows you to explore various techniques and create stunning artwork. Here's a brief guide on how to use alcohol inks:

  • Prepare Your Workspace: Set up your workspace in a well-ventilated area, as alcohol inks contain alcohol, which can be flammable. Cover your work surface to protect it from any potential spills.

  • Choose Your Surface: Select a non-porous surface, such as Yupo paper, glass, ceramic, metal, or synthetic materials, for best results.

  • Shake and Apply: Shake the alcohol ink bottles to ensure any pigments are well-mixed. Use a dropper or other tool to apply the ink directly onto the surface. You can also use an alcohol ink applicator or brush for more controlled application.

  • Experiment with Techniques: Explore various techniques like dropping, blowing, or tilting the ink to create different patterns and effects. Try alcohol lifting and blending for unique designs.

  • Mix and Blend: Mix different colors together to create custom shades. Use Ink Extender to achieve smooth gradients and transitions.

  • Allow to Dry: Alcohol inks dry quickly, but it's essential to let your artwork dry completely before adding additional layers or applying a sealant. We recommend air drying for at least 12h to ensure the natural resins in the ink have fully cured.

  • Seal Your Artwork: Once your artwork is dry, protect it by sealing it with a non-reactive sealant.

Remember to experiment and have fun with alcohol inks; the possibilities are limitless! Always follow safety precautions and enjoy the artistic journey.

Are alcohol inks toxic?

Mae Ink alcohol inks are not toxic (for all of the details please read the Safety Data Sheet), as we do not use methanol, isopropanol, or other toxic ingredients in the manufacture of our inks (this is not true for all alcohol ink manufacturers). However, they do contain ethanol as a solvent, which can be flammable. It's essential to use alcohol inks in a well-ventilated area and away from open flames or sparks. While they are generally safe to use, it's recommended to take standard safety precautions, such as wearing gloves, to avoid any potential skin irritation.

Are alcohol inks permanent on all surfaces?

Alcohol inks are generally waterproof on non-porous surfaces, such as glass, metal, ceramic, and synthetic materials like Yupo paper and resin. However, as they can be lifted with the application of ethanol, they are not considered permanent on these surfaces. Alcohol inks may cause permanent stains on regular paper or clothing, where the ink is absorbed into the fibres, and may be difficult to remove without destroying the item. To ensure long-lasting results on non-porous surfaces, it's best to consider sealing the artwork with an appropriate sealant.

Can I mix your alcohol inks together?

Yes, you can mix alcohol inks together to create custom colors. Alcohol inks are highly blendable, allowing you to combine different colors to achieve unique and vibrant shades. Experiment with small amounts first to achieve your desired hue before applying the mix to your artwork. Enjoy the creative possibilities that come with mixing alcohol inks!

How do I clean up alcohol ink spills?

Cleaning up alcohol ink spills is relatively simple. Here's what you can do:

  • Act quickly: The sooner you address the spill, the easier it will be to clean up.

  • Use absorbent materials: Dab the spill with a paper towel or cloth to soak up as much ink as possible.

  • Use alcohol to re-wet the inks : If the spill is on a non-porous surface, use alcohol to clean the area. Dampen a cloth or cotton ball with alcohol and gently wipe the spill until it's removed. We recommend denatured ethanol, as it is less toxic than methanol or isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), however you need to work quickly so use what you have available. Just make sure that the alcohol is at least 70% pure, ideally >99%.

  • Warm soapy water: For spills on your skin or non-porous surfaces, you can also try warm soapy water to clean up the ink.

  • Be cautious with porous surfaces: On porous materials like regular paper or fabric, it might be challenging to completely remove the ink. In such cases, consider using protective coverings on your work area to minimize potential spills.

Remember to wear gloves when cleaning up alcohol ink spills and ensure good ventilation in your workspace!

How quickly do your alcohol inks dry?

Alcohol inks dry relatively quickly, usually within a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on factors such as the thickness of the ink application and the ambient humidity. The alcohol content in the ink causes it to evaporate rapidly, leading to fast drying times. Artists and crafters appreciate this quick-drying property, as it allows for layering and experimenting with various techniques in a shorter timeframe. However, the natural resins used to create our alcohol inks require a few extra hours to fully cure. We recommend allowing your artwork to dry for at least 12h before attempting to seal your work.

What is the best way to store alcohol inks to prolong their shelf life?

To prolong the shelf life of alcohol inks, it is essential to store them properly. Here are some best practices:

  • Keep in a Cool, Dark Place: Store alcohol inks away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent deterioration of the pigments and evaporation of the alcohol.

  • Tightly Seal the Bottles: Ensure the bottle caps are tightly sealed after each use to prevent air exposure and evaporation.

  • Store Upright: Store the alcohol ink bottles upright to prevent leakage and maintain the integrity of the seal.

  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Do not store alcohol inks in extremely cold or hot environments, as extreme temperatures can affect the ink's consistency and performance.

By following these storage tips, you can help extend the shelf life of your alcohol inks, ensuring they remain vibrant and usable for an extended period. Inks stored properly should last a minimum of 12 months, some of our inks have been stored and tested for 36 months (so far), with no degradation. While there is no specific expiration date, we recommend that older inks be tested for their mixing and adherence properties before using in artworks. If you inks have not withstood 12 months of appropriate storage, please contact us to arrange replacements.

Can beginners use alcohol inks, or are they better suited for experienced artists?

Alcohol inks can be enjoyed by beginners and experienced artists alike. They offer a vibrant and versatile medium that allows for creative exploration at any skill level. Beginners can quickly learn basic techniques like dropping, blending, and lifting to create stunning effects. With experimentation and practice, artists can develop their skills and produce unique artworks. So, whether you're new to alcohol inks or an experienced artist, you can have a rewarding and enjoyable experience using them for your artistic endeavors.

Are there any precautions to take when working with alcohol inks?

Yes, there are some precautions to consider when working with alcohol inks:

  • Ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area to ensure proper air circulation and avoid inhaling alcohol fumes.

  • Flammability: Alcohol inks contain alcohol, which is flammable. Keep them away from open flames or sparks.

  • Protective Gear: Consider wearing gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with the inks, especially if you have sensitive skin. Similarly, consider wearing safety glasses to prevent splashes in your eyes.

By following these precautions, you can safely enjoy the creative process and make the most of your alcohol ink projects.