Fern Green - 30mL Alcohol Ink


Fern green is a medium shade of green with a hint of grey. It is a versatile and soothing green colour. It can be used to create a sense of tranquility and harmony in design projects, as well as convey themes of nature, growth, and balance. Its medium saturation level makes it easy to incorporate into various visual compositions while still maintaining a pleasing and inviting aesthetic. It has a moderate darkness level, falling between lighter pastel greens and deeper forest greens. The color exhibits a sense of stability and calmness, while still retaining a touch of liveliness.

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Fern green is a medium shade of green with a hint of grey. It is a versatile and soothing green colour. It can be used to create a sense of tranquility and harmony in design projects, as well as convey themes of nature, growth, and balance. Its medium saturation level makes it easy to incorporate into various visual compositions while still maintaining a pleasing and inviting aesthetic. It has a moderate darkness level, falling between lighter pastel greens and deeper forest greens. The color exhibits a sense of stability and calmness, while still retaining a touch of liveliness.

Fern green is a medium shade of green with a hint of grey. It is a versatile and soothing green colour. It can be used to create a sense of tranquility and harmony in design projects, as well as convey themes of nature, growth, and balance. Its medium saturation level makes it easy to incorporate into various visual compositions while still maintaining a pleasing and inviting aesthetic. It has a moderate darkness level, falling between lighter pastel greens and deeper forest greens. The color exhibits a sense of stability and calmness, while still retaining a touch of liveliness.